Hey y’all, just your regular unassuming white guy here. You probably pass 50 to 100 of me on your way to work every day.
The point being, right now, we the PEOPLE have the most powerful and corrupt governments waging war against each other every day. It’s only getting worse and children are dying.
When are WE the PEOPLE going to do something about it? Our politicians are not going to hold themselves accountable. The proof is in everyday life, right now. Just look around. We are in World War 3. Countries are launching missiles, which we pay for with our taxes, at each other. We need to stop this!
As we start the New Year, let the people of the United States resolve themselves to not be subject to corrupt “leaders” anymore!
In 2024, we had 1,612 Federal Election Commission registered candidates for president of the United States. Our illusion of “democracy” is just two parties of privileged retirees who do not want change if it costs them their titles. They have spent decades using the people as resources for their excessive lifestyles, while the PEOPLE live in poverty.
This is not “the American dream” they fill our heads with every day. I know my dreams never included being responsible for the death of ANYBODY!
If we ever want to escape the bipartisan control of our rights, then we need to come together as humans and remove them from power.
Our Declaration of Independence says, “… experience has shown, that mankind [US] are more willing to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right ourselves by abolishing the forms of evils we are used to. But, when a long train of abuse and usurpations [of our rights]… reduces them [the PEOPLE] to utter despotism… It is their right and their responsibility to throw off such a government…”
The politicians only have the power the PEOPLE consent to give them. I am not consenting anymore! There are more of us than them! Join me in 2025 and stop letting them have power!
When times get dark, we need each other. So remember, there is a light inside of EVERY one of us that we can choose to shine, to help others find their way!