There are many ways to write for us, detailed below. Read more about our editorial independence, ethics, and practices here.
Street Sense Media does not accept “guest posts,” link insertions, or other sponsored content. Details about purchasing online or print advertising space are available here.
The Opinion Section of Street Sense is open to anyone as part of our mission to elevate voices and public debate on issues relating to poverty. However, we give a strong preference to viewpoints on local issues and the voices of people who have experienced homelessness firsthand.
Email [email protected] to submit a piece.
- The opinions expressed are those of each author and do not represent Street Sense Media.
- By submitting an article to this section, you invite feedback and changes from our team of opinion editors and consent to the publication of your work online and in print.
- Submissions that contain hate speech or discriminatory language will not be considered
- Please include a 1-2 sentence bio with your submission that explains your connection to our community and/or any experience that is relevant to your chosen topic.
We accept story pitches about issues related to homelessness and poverty that have a local angle. When pitching, please include a brief bio to introduce yourself and include a sample headline and brief overview of the story you plan on writing.
Most of our reporting is conducted by our editorial staff and a team of college interns. Learn more about our internship program here.
To learn more about other opportunities to volunteer, visit our volunteer page here.
Do you have a question about our community or a story tip you’d like us to follow-up on? Please reach out.
You can reach the editor-in-chief at [email protected].
With the exception of special editions, publication in the Art section of our newspaper and participation in all of our artistic workshops are exclusively available to Street Sense Media artist/vendors and case management clients.
Learn more about our vendor program here. A weekly writing workshop is available to all artist/vendors. You can reach our director of vendor employment at [email protected].
Thank you for your interest in Street Sense Media!