OpinionBy Angie Whitehurst / Lisa Blackburn Ullven July 3, 2024
Homeless toddlers inspired the child welfare laws
The idea of toddlers being homeless ignited three local Florida leaders to draft one of the first pieces of legislation to advocate for children.
OpinionBy Khadijah Williams July 3, 2024
Money isn’t enough: How the Child Tax Credit can restore hope for D.C. families
Now, D.C. has the chance to become a national model for eliminating family poverty by strengthening the Child Tax Credit (CTC).
NewsBy Franziska Wild July 3, 2024
“We are the swing vote:” Poor People’s Campaign assembles in Washington
Thousands gathered in front of the Capitol building for the Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March to the Polls.
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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.