Your donations support our work. The easiest way to give is here. Have questions? Contact Brian Carome at [email protected] or 202-347-2006 extension 601.
Ways to Give
- Online
- Through Venmo
- Mail a Check
- By Phone
- Donor-Advised Fund
- Stock or Wire Transfer
- Honor a Friend or Loved One
- In-Kind Donations
- Workplace Giving and Employers’ Matching Gifts
- Remember Street Sense Media in Your Will
- Business Partnerships and Sponsorships
- Facebook Fundraising for Street Sense Media
Online One-Time and Monthly Donations
Monthly gifts add up to make a big impact! To help support our vendor-artists and clients when they need it most, become a monthly giver. The encouragement you show through the support you give as a monthly giver will help Street Sense Media amplify vendor-artists’ voices.
Through Venmo
Make a one-time charitable donation through Venmo @StreetSenseDC. Or click here.
Mail a Check
If you prefer to send a check, please send that made payable to Street Sense Media to:
Street Sense Media
1317 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20005
By Phone
Give us a call at 202-347-2006 Monday-Friday 10:00 to 5:00 and ask for development. At other times, please leave us a message at extension 501, and we’ll happily call you back.
Donor-Advised Fund
You may donate to Street Sense Media through your Donor-Advised Fund (DAF). You may be able to log into your DAF account, select your designation as Street Sense Media, and include any notes if you would like your donation to support a specific program (Street Sense weekly publication or case management and outreach). Please note that if you do not include any notes, funds will be directed to “where it’s needed most.” If you have a DAF with Fidelity, Charles Schwab, or BNY Mellon, you can donate through this DAF Direct.
Stock or Wire Transfer
Donating stock is a wonderful way to support our vendor-artists. For information to donate stock, or a wire transfer, please contact Brian Carome at [email protected] or 202-347-2006 extension 601.
Honor a Friend or Loved One
In lieu of gifts or flowers, or to honor the memory of someone special, click here to donate to Street Sense Media in their honor or remembrance. It’s a perfect gift for every occasion, including birthdays, weddings, holidays, and anniversaries. If requested, we’ll send a card and a copy of Street Sense to them.
In-Kind Donations and
At Street Sense Media, we work to raise the voices and meet some of the basic needs of people living on DC’s streets. Through our outreach, we let folks know about being a vendor, joining a workshop, or talking with our case management staff. During these visits, we offer items for which people have asked.
See our online wishlsts for current needs. We provide a non-Amazon option and an Amazon-option. We also accept gift cards (pre-loaded WMATA SmartTrip cards, CVS gift cards, and Safeway or Giant gift cards), which provide our vendor-artists flexibility. Whether you order via our wishlists or drop items off, your generosity is greatly appreciated!
Please call 202-347-2006 x101 before dropping off a donation.
Donation Drop-off Location: 1317 G Street NW, Washington DC 20005
Drop-Off Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM only
Organizing an In-Kind Drive for Street Sense Media
It’s easy to organize a donation drive at your organization or event. We would love your support in meeting the needs of our vendors and would-be vendors.
Here are a few things to remember when you do a donation drive:
- Reach out first to see what we need – (email one of our contacts below to see what we need each month)
- Coordinate and schedule the drive with your Street Sense Media contact person
- Keep it to a limited time frame (1-2 weeks) to keep people interested and make your drive manageable
- Advertise, advertise, advertise!
- Focus on 2-3 specific items
- Make sure to email your contact person when the drive is completed and to schedule a drop-off or to let us know you are shipping your items! We cannot pick-up any donations.
Since Amazon discontinued the Amazon Smile program, that is no longer an option for giving to Street Sense Media.
Workplace Giving and Employers’ Matching Gifts
Payroll deduction through your workplace makes giving easy. Our Combined Federal Campaign number is 28233, and our United Way number is 8871. We also participate in the World Bank’s Community Connections Campaign. If you’re having a workplace giving event featuring local nonprofits, please invite us!
CFC# 28233 | United Way# 8871 |
Employers’ matching gift programs may double or even triple your contribution. Contact your employer’s Human Resources Department to find out if such a program is offered. If so, they can provide you with a form to send with your gift. The following generous employers have matched their employees’ contributions in the past:
- AT&T Foundation
- Bank of America
- Booz-Allen Hamilton
- Boeing
- Black & Decker
- ExxonMobil
- Fannie Mae
- Freddie Mac
- GMAC Residential Funding Corporation
- International Monetary Fund
- Lockheed Martin
- Northrop Grumman
- Verizon
- Washington Post
- And many others
Remember Street Sense Media in Your Will
Consider leaving a legacy of real hope and real change by remembering Street Sense Media in your estate plans. You may donate through your will, a trust, or a life insurance policy. There are many ways to donate through your estate plans, including a specific sum, a percentage of your estate, or a residuary bequest of the remainder of your estate after expenses and gifts to loved ones.
The following language may aid you and your attorney in preparing your bequest for the benefit of Street Sense Media (EIN 20-1297050). Here is sample language:
I give to Street Sense Media (a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation with EIN/Tax ID 20-1297050), whose administrative offices are located at 1317 G Street NW, Washington DC 20005, the sum of $_______ [or ______% of my estate; or the property described herein], for its general purposes.
Sample language for a residuary bequest to Street Sense Media is:
All the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, I give Street Sense Media (a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation with EIN/Tax ID 20-1297050), whose administrative offices are located at 1317 G Street NW, Washington DC 20005, for its general purposes.
Business Partnerships and Sponsorships
Street Sense Media has many purpose-driven and mission-aligned philanthropic opportunities for area businesses and corporations. From an on-going partnership to time-specific event sponsorship, and from cause marketing to employee giving and in-kind drives, Street Sense Media can design tailor-made opportunities to support our vendor-artist and our community in ending homelessness. Please contact Brian Carome at [email protected] or 202-347-2006 extension 601, for more information or to discuss possibilities.
Facebook Fundraising for Street Sense Media
Do you not need any more gifts? What about having a Facebook fundraiser for Street Sense Media? Share your love of Street Sense Media and create a fundraiser here.