OpinionBy Arthur Johnson December 24, 2019
Moving Up: How to plan for a successful 2020
In the latest installment of Moving Up, Arthur Johnson offers tips for a successful new year.
OpinionBy Jeff Taylor December 24, 2019
How I evolved from fundaloon conservative to fire-breathing liberal
Jeff Taylor, a Street Sense Media vendor, explains shifts in his political views.
OpinionBy Maria Foscarinis December 11, 2019
The Trump Administration’s false and damaging narrative on homelessness
The founder and executive director of the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty says how the Trump administration has only hindered those who are experiencing homelessness.
OpinionBy Reginald Black December 11, 2019
The “Value” Trap
Reginald Black, a Street Sense artist/vendor, analyzes “value”.
OpinionBy Jeffery McNeil December 11, 2019
A holiday free of Trump derangement
Jeffery McNeil, a Street Sense Media artist/vendor, examines Trump’s record.
OpinionBy Dan Hooks December 11, 2019
City shelters are not safe
Artist and vendor Dan Hooks writes about how shelters are overcrowded and uncleanly.
OpinionBy Jeff Taylor December 3, 2019
The evil Triumvirate, Part 2: How does our nation get out of this mess?
When I last wrote I ended on a less than optimistic note. Our democracy is on the verge of going…
OpinionBy Jeffery McNeil December 3, 2019
How Republicans and Trump become the home for anti-war Democrats
While the left has always been fragmented and disjointed one thing that united liberals were opposed to war. What drew…
A response to Jeff Taylor: No, conservatives don’t hate democracy
Sometimes I get irritated when liberals try to label you. I supported Jesse Jackson and voted twice for Barack Obama….
Jeffery McNeil is deep in the Trump bubble
This piece is in response to Street Sense Media vendor and opinion writer Jeffery McNeil’s piece in the last issue….
OpinionBy Arthur Johnson November 27, 2019
Moving Up: What we can learn from the Nationals
Arthur Johnson applies lessons from baseball to the world of employment and business.
Arthur Johnson gives examples of how the city as a whole can learn from the World Series winning Washington Nationals.
OpinionBy Eric Thompson-Bey November 27, 2019
We need a halfway house for men in DC
One of our vendors gives us a different voice on why there needs to be a new halfway house in the District.
OpinionBy Jeff Taylor November 27, 2019
Is conservatism a birth defect?
Artist and vendor Jeff Taylor writes about his qualms with conservative thinking.
OpinionBy Jeffery McNeil November 27, 2019
For the holidays, learn to listen
Artist and vendor Jeffery McNeil provides his opinion on political discussions around the holidays.
Opinion November 15, 2019
Say ‘no’ to D.C’s sex work bill
I support the decriminalization of sex work. But I do not support decriminalization for buyers only. And that’s exactly what…
Opinion November 13, 2019
The coming storm for D.C.’s citizens with disabilities
“One of the most important decisions on the DC Council’s plate this fall is to pass the Direct Support Professional Payment Rate Act of 2019, initiated by Councilmember Brianne Nadeau.”
ArtBy Henry Johnson / James Davis / Reginald Black / Robert Warren November 13, 2019
Street Sense vendors react to downtown bench removal
Multiple Street Sense vendors give their opinions on bench removal in the downtown area.
OpinionBy Jeffery McNeil November 1, 2019
The more the liberal establishment hates Trump, the more popular he gets
A writer is similar to a doctor. A good doctor gives you an opinion based on the evidence. You may…
OpinionBy Jeff Taylor November 1, 2019
Why does the GOP hate Democracy?
It’s been clear for at least the last decade or so that the GOP views as legitimate only those election…
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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.