Street Sense Media presents: Levester Green

Some of us still have a sense of righteousness.

 I’m not moving & shaking. I’m sorting because my blessing I take as important. At forefront. On Point by appointment. Applying myself like ointment. Trying 2 make that oink mint! My rhymes aren’t borrowed or lent. Hard work! My effort spent 2 represent this gift here like a present, from me 2 you. Now you tell me from whence was it sent? The Magnificence, is it a chore & expense 2 maintain? It’s Excellence due 2 pestilence, but we must persist & go on with it! The wheels are in motion. Can’t counterfeit it. Can only counteract it! Going down your list of dastardly deeds. Why don’t you just accept all the change now? I like the way that it goes down. I’m listing who is going to still be ‘round. Kids are the future. Who is going 2 rebound? That kid’s heading straight 2 the mound! Giving that Good Grief Just like that Charlie Brown! ~


Shouldn’t the World be solved or fixed by now? Ever-changing, everlasting, evolving? Oh GOD, what shall we do?! Our hero of the existence we’re living because of the gift of life was given! Oh, what an amazing thing being this man! Living soul, breathing being in a human shell. Thank God.

My Friend(s)…

There’s a process called conflict in which iron sharpens iron… Yes, that is sounding a lot like the saying of “Only the strong survive.” Survival of the fittest… The #Gifted fit this? It Depends on what your gift is! I’d say it was this life, but you gotta 2 keep gifting/giving!

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