
Today I feel I am stronger than I have ever been. I try my best to engage in activities that keep me energized, and keep me fulfilling what I need and want in life. My recovery comes first. I also believe that there is one thing in this world that I can never give up knowing or believing in — that’s my higher power Jesus Christ, my God. Thank God I got someone in my life that keeps the laughter going and makes me happy at all times especially when I’m sad, and that’s my husband.

When I discovered treatment, I open up a new world for myself. I spend most of my time listening and growing and learning more about my recovery and what I want to gain out of it. To me, recovery is everything I’ve ever wanted to be, it is something I want to grow in for the rest of my life. I also have an inspiration in my life — that’s my niece Egypt — she made her dreams come true and as far as I know, she’s pretty happy. She does something that she’s great at and enjoys. She’s my hero.

I am not good at staying in the present moment. I feel as though I am still stuck in yesterday. My to-do list today is to stay clean. My best friend would describe me as a loving and giving person. Yesterday I was just a loving child growing in my mom’s womb, and today I am a grown woman trying to be someone that’s a good citizen in life, going with the times and moving forward to dreams.

Issues |Addiction|Family|Health, Mental|Health, Physical|Religion

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