Respect for yourself and others 

You are not your addiction — unless you still have the behavior. If you have the behavior and don’t do anything about it, you are becoming your behavior and don’t even know it. You have a chance to get better. You can learn from yesterday. Give yourself some respect and others as well. Especially with using your phones — it’s becoming a great part of disrespect. Respect is whatever you and that person decide. Don’t try to change that. Having respect for another peer is the most precious thing you can do. When others are speaking to you, don’t just get on your phone and talk to someone else. Addiction has no mind of its own, no power over you, unless you let it use you. 

Stop putting expectations on others. Because you will get your feelings hurt most of the time. Help others, because recovery never stops. Use your tools always. Because it’s a wonderful choice to have freedom from your disease. You have the opportunity for a lifetime to do it. Keep working on yourself, it keeps us strong-minded. And give some time to others, it’s the one thing you can’t take back. Mean what you say and say what you mean. We learn many lessons on this journey, so hold on. 

Until then be safe, and stay clean.

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