After transitioning to online schooling in 2021, many students argued that they missed out on in-class interactions. They no longer were able to freely converse with their classmates and their teachers. They may have missed out on some critical learning. Please consider providing your child with activities that are fun and compliment their academic learning. For instance, you can take your children out for a camping experience that centers around a topic or subject matter. You can take your child out for a hike and catch butterflies, all while conversing about science. Alternatively, you can opt to have a fun at home summer experience. This can involve trips to the local library. Many branches now have book clubs that involve a discussion session. These kinds of experiences can enhance a child’s ability to retain and understand information they read. Reading can also enrich a child’s vocabulary extensively, enhancing their cognitive and metacognitive skills.
Another fun at home adventure can be offering your child a chance to operate a lemonade stand or candy apple stand, marketing their service to neighbors and counting money. Many apps now provide lessons in budgeting skills, and this could possibly lead to a bank account for a very young child.
As a young child I was encouraged to find creative ways to earn money, usually cleaning was what I gravitated towards, as well as collecting glass soda bottles.Finally, enjoy your summer!