I Told You So

The MLK memorial


A gassing grill
The oven stove
A potent pill
Of burning love
A bucket list
A thinking thought
Is this a fight
That should be fought
A gift to give
To save a life
Forever man
Forever wife
Back in the day
Of son of Sam
Of Watergate, of Vietnam
The hippie hope
So sad to say
Some answers in
A hanging rope
For civil rights
He had a dream
So many die
So many fights
To say it best, too soon a death
Martin, John and Malcolm X
There was a man who gave us hope
He made us fans of rope a dope
Untouch the ways of Willie Mays
Of Jackie R, the disco days
And yes the war in Vietnam
What was it for?, they give a damn?
A 33, a 45, the hoola hoop
The jaws of jive
A terror strike and hunger rules
The price of Nike, they break the rules
And so I fear
How are we here?
To have some kooks,
To build some nukes?
To some so fun, to shoot a gun
Abortion waves, killing our babes
I’ll make a map
The false is true
Of gangster rap
Their corner crew
Where do I stop?
And endless flow
The clueless crop
Growing to grow
The sight of footprints
In the sand
True power in
Us holding hands
I’ll walk away
Won’t let it go
So sad to say
I told you so

Issues |Civil Rights|Political commentary|Systemic Racism

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