Systemic Racism
ArtBy Levester Green December 4, 2024
Enduring the highs and the lows
Well, my jobs were plenty for a while there. After that, I decided to come home from school in South Carolina and attend the University of D.C. It was a time of unrest and financial insecurity.
ArtBy Jeffrey Carter December 4, 2024
What Labor Day means to me: How my mother and father picked cotton on the plantation for the white man slave master.
ArtBy Levester Green October 23, 2024
Jim and Flem in the deep fake era
So then, Olivia Fox, the next dialogue in the Donald J. Trump/Joe Biden story should be coming from Kamala Harris due to her affiliation with all of these death-talking gangsta rappers she’s been meeting with lately.
Opinion October 23, 2024
28th amendment: Amnesty?
I propose that you initiate the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would grant the president the right to give amnesty to prisoners
ArtBy Reginald Black September 25, 2024
Who wrong
The injurious, unfair conduct that inflicts harm sent into oblivion without due provocation. The just cause for the least of thee in violation of society’s invasion of the hierarchy is wrong. Gotta live this way. It’s unethical, but to the system it’s okay.
NewsBy Samantha Monteiro July 17, 2024
The District is ready to start pulling back its migrant services — but migrants are still struggling to find homes in D.C.
Migrants and their advocates say the Office of Migrant Services has not done enough to ensure migrant families can find stable housing.
ArtBy Nikila Smith April 10, 2024
An interview with Madam C.J. Walker
A new story by Nikila Smith
OpinionBy Mars January 17, 2024
Mars writes about his resolutions for the new year.
ArtBy Chris Cole December 6, 2023
Crack is whack
When Chris Cole reads a poem, you pay attention. Read her latest spoken, and written word.
ArtBy Nikila Smith December 6, 2023
Then and now
A new poem from Nikila Smith examines race and violence across generations.
NewsBy Cole Kindiger August 30, 2023
New Arlington art installation commemorates uprooted Black neighborhood
Nekisha Durret’s ‘Queen City,’ a sculpture in an Arlington park, memorializes a Black community displaced by the Pentagon.
ArtBy Abel Putu March 8, 2023
Let’s bring the world together
A poem by Abel Putu.
ArtBy Chris Cole February 1, 2023
Single hot pink tulip
A new piece from Chris Cole.
ArtBy Robert Warren February 1, 2023
The dream
Robert Warren writes about the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
ArtBy James Davis February 1, 2023
A new piece from James Davis.
ArtBy Redbook Mango December 7, 2022
Redemption poems
Redbook Mango corrects the record.
NewsBy Annemarie Cuccia August 24, 2022
DC announces expansion of first-time homebuyer program
D.C. will increase the aid available through the Home Purchase Assistance Program starting October 1.
NewsBy Atmika Iyer August 3, 2022
The gig economy’s latest adversary: inflation
During a period of inflation, people are motivated to join the gig economy for extra income to cover rising expenses. Inflation simultaneously engenders and exacerbates fiscal obstacles for gig workers.
NewsBy Annemarie Cuccia August 3, 2022
National Alliance to End Homelessness lays out new priorities
The National Alliance to End Homelessness’s new leadership pledged to end homelessness by centering racial justice and lived experience at the organization’s annual conference.
ArtBy Carol Motley June 22, 2022
You Don’t Know Me
A powerful poem about race in America.
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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.