Finding Me



God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ
have always been in my life, but I didn’t
know it until I got sober from alcohol and
drugs. I have been sober seven years as
of January 2, 2013. He and his fellowship
really helped me when my young daughter
died. I didn’t have money but I didn’t
drink or do drugs. He woke me up and I
am learning. I learned gratitude is action
and I am working on my self-esteem. Of
course, money is not everything. I just
lost me. He gave me back and I am going
to ride this along as God, the Holy Spirit
and Jesus let me. I am free. You can be
locked in your mind. I look to God and
the Holy Spirit. But I am nothing without
them. I am scared, but true God, the Holy
Spirit and Jesus Christ know best.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
