Vendors create an art project to call attention to ending homelessness in the D.C.

A white index cards that says, "Buy a homeless person a cup of coffee."

Kelsey Timpone

Our Common Threads was an installation project designed to call attention to the individual roles we play in ending homelessness. The materials for this project were donated by Scrap BMORE and prepared by the experimental art workshop here at Street Sense Media. Wednesday, November 14th, we began the installation process in front of Church of the Epiphany. The community was rushing to and from lunch, but some people wanted to stop and chat with us. The community wrote out cards with messages like “it all starts with compassion” and “vote for leaders who will protect and create affordable housing.” Our Common Threads is a living work of art. Although it has come off of the fence on G&13th, the thoughts remain. The project will remain in flux until each participant upholds their commitment to ending homelessness.

A photo of white index cards tied to a gate with colorful fabric.
“Share a lunch and buy a Street Sense,” is written on the index card sticking out toward the right. Photo by Kelsey Timpone 


Issues |Art

Region |Washington DC


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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
