The Underground: Don’t Be afraid Of the Dark

Credit: Jennifer Marsh

This is an article about the life of a world in D.C. that’s not seen with the naked eye. Actually, it has to be seen with the intention of the heart. I do mean a hard heart!

With true intentions, you can enter The Underground by not being afraid of the dark. It is a dark world: Blacks are the usual “dark” for the Dark Side (The Underground). Why shouldn’t we be used to the dark? It’s actually God’s plan.

Even in this bright, right, white “equal opportunity” world of America, there is still a Dark Side — visible to ourselves. Make no mistake, I’m speaking specifically to the Black American. We still look at each other as dark, black and for some reason – not beautiful. We can’t seem to get it together

By now we should fit in. We have to learn a way to help ourselves. We’re always looking for the right, white American world to help us. But the only people who know what’s going on are on the Dark Side.

We are the ones on the streets; we are the one’s begging; we are the one’s in the programs and the shelters; we are the ones in the inner city – which I choose to call The Underground. We’ve got drug-infested streets and a whole lot more.

We are a very unique race of people. Yes, I do say “race,” because we must be aware of the Black America. Most of us–the Americans–were built here in the USA, although from other countries, just like the White man (or should I say the right man). Most of us, except the Native American, came from somewhere.

Why do I say we’re built here? Because over time, Black Americans has come from slavery, to segregation, to finally some form of acceptance. Though we were never really given the proper apology (if there is such a thing).

That’s why we don’t really feel as though we are free.

The Black President we have now is not even appreciated for the help being done while he’s in office. Yes, it could be worse. Yes, it could be even better.

The Dark Side is where I started this article and want to end this article because the streets and homelessness and institutions are the key to the Dark Side. I’m not saying you can’t help, because all donations are helpful. But until we learn to help each other, we’re going to continue to divide and go down.

(to be continued)

Issues |Civil Rights|Housing|Systemic Racism

Region |Washington DC

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