The art of —

Love is an art.

The thing that we feel the most is sometimes the strongest and most beautiful thing to us all.

Muse is a being that possesses the power to inspire. Intelligence, love, compassion, respect.

Those are the bases of sympathy.

Our world needs this. To feel something real. To praise God.

To let her know all things that we’re feeling right or wrong.

To me this is art. Love, family and friends. Love is the people we don’t like all the time.

We must show them all respect. To me this is art. To know it. To love it. Poems. Poets. Friends. Lovers. People who have a natural base in all reality.

That is art. Music tells stories that only the soul can hear.

That feeling is there like a memory that never goes away.

It makes you stronger, not weaker. That’s art. God told us her words.

She will never let us down. Her words.

So, respect, love, cherish all of her children and forgive. That is art.

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