Sweet Sis’aroo

Dedicated to my beloved Ruthie.
Arooo, arooo, my sweet siste’Ruth!
You were always elegant, even in rough
games of play—
(“How ya like my Bom-bard-min kick?”)
On the other hand, a true child of
Nature, too…
(A coyote’s yowl delivered framed in
Revlon Tangerine stick!)
You led the way,
(“Want a ‘metal,’ on the chest to pin it?”)
I snapped to attention ‘pon your c’mands
Inside of a minute!
(“Look both ways, Hudson! Then cross—”)
Carefully, I traversed the flagstones, tho’ no traffic
Spanned the convalescents’ courtyard…
Sweet Ruthie…

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
