Subsidies are important. To afford housing, some people just need a little help. We have planned for such events. The mayor’s strategic plan, Homeward D.C., led to the creation of an intervention called targeted affordable housing.
I have been homeless for a number of years and could benefit greatly from a subsidy. Right now, we only have 360 slots of this needed intervention. I should have this kind of subsidy, because my problem is affordability. Having a way to pay for housing seems more feasible than just languishing in shelters. Shelters are for emergencies, and everyone should have a right to a home.
Affordability was a problem for at least 119,000 people in the District last year, according to census estimates. The official poverty line was an income of $12,060 for individuals and $24,600 for a family of four.
I want to ask you to start the dialogue about funding targeted affordable housing. The mayor’s budget proposal for the next year is about to be released. Call her office. Call your councilmember. The D.C. Council has been holding oversight hearings for the past month to learn how our city services, including interventions to end homelessness, are performing. I conveyed this same message to the council during one of those hearings.
Targeted affordable housing is a good way to help seniors on a fixed income and people like me, an awe-inspiring entrepreneur.
Correction (04/13/2018)
The poverty line data in this post was updated to reflect 2017 guidelines from the U.S. Department of Human Services. The initial guidelines referenced were current standards, slightly higher due to inflation.