Regain a relationship everybody (R.A.R.E!)

Graphic by Bruna Costa

I enjoyed watching WNBA games, which correlates with my love for women and with the fact that my desire to see the men’s NBA games had dwindled to the point I was just completely ignoring them. I mean, I wasn’t going to be a connoisseur and specialist as I haven’t even played in years myself, but it was when I was homeless and I wanted the activity. Nowadays my goal has been to regain a relationship, so that’s been my focus. But it seems like I’ve rather been crowded and disturbed by bigheaded ego-driven dudes out to skunk, boast, and brag about what’s rejected by my type of woman. Like I’ve taken the time to be so very selective. Others are on some same old routine while, to be honest, I can’t because I’m not in a position to even play it the same way. They’re haters filled with greed for sport! So, I’m on hiatus from ascending up to my next level or plateau due to the interference, however, it is still very much my goal! I just signed back up for the league pass trial out of availability but then now I started wondering do some fellas need other male attention, say through sports? I don’t qualify, but I have no qualms about being me and doing me even if it’s to the point of just all women all the time!

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