Product of Progression: Gotta keep moving

Sculpture located at a church entrance captured July 14th, 2018 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; USA.

Ken Mattison

I have met the time frame for my rapid re-housing program and was not able to be renewed. Was the program worth it? Did it help me mentally, emotionally or physically? Did I gain any stability?  

I am in the same place as when I moved in. I am still working, but back on the streets. If a program doesn’t work, they look at the person and not the situation. How many situations must occur before people look not just at the big picture, but at the systemic things that made the picture?  

I had an uneasy feeling about the place, but I went in with only a quick thought. It’s not hard when you’re pressed, and you find something that looks good for your situation, to take it and not look at the long-term effects.  

While in the Friendship Place program, I found a job that I am still maintaining and I am waiting for my final grade in a course they sponsored. We have to be able to use every situation we come across to better ourselves.  

Money management is a problem I still struggle with. I pay my bills, but saving money is difficult. I am still striving, but having hard times. Just getting the needed things like food becomes a challenge. I have school loans that I am trying to pay off, a storage fee for my car, transportation for work and because I am a diabetic, eating healthy is expensive. I do okay, but I could do a lot better.  

Statistics say that as homeless people, we will not live past age 55 because of the conditions of being homeless, but I will beat those odds. We have to stay focused and utilize resources — not abuse them. I am trying to find another job and Friendship Place helped me fill out my first application for a studio apartment, which I feel good about.  

I see what needs to happen, but am I helping myself to become a better asset? To stay and live in Washington D.C. means to have a firm foundation that is built on knowledge of the city.  

I am blessed, but I still know this epidemic of homelessness has to be addressed. More help must be given to those who can’t help themselves, and assistance to those who assist themselves. We are vulnerable. We seek help and guidance, not downgrading and misperception. 

Issues |Education|Health, Physical|Jobs

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
