Peace, joy and happiness 

A bright, clean blue sky with the sun shining uplifted my spirit with joy. On that very morning, I am thanking God for what he’s done for me, while strolling on yellow sand. There were small waves thrashing along my feet. God taught me to appreciate and dwell on what I have, not what I don’t have. My life has been changed to a new one; I’ve been made whole and set free. I decided to stroll through a pathway, entering a world filled with clothes. It had all kinds of colorful clothes and every kind of style you can imagine. But, you have to look up, because the walls were 10 feet tall. You could shop till you drop here, because with putting discounts on items that lowers the price to fit your budget. It can even fall to free, so everyone can leave happy. The clothes fit and make anyone look fantastic in them, no matter what size you are. The place has an automatic bag that follows you everywhere you are going, so that you don’t have to carry the bags through the shopping world. The food court has massaging chairs, which at a push of a button bring a cheerful lady or a handsome man out. The pleasant food is a mile high, and you lay in the chair and talk. You don’t have to even get out of your seat until you leave. I left that place with peace of mind, which helped make life good. 

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
