One door is closing, another one is opening

Graphic by Bruna Costa

Dear readers,

The time has arrived when I can tell you a little bit about my journey during the closing of the year 2023 and my plan for the coming year in 2024. When the 2023 door closes, the 2024 door opens.

Let’s start with what I’ve seen in 2023. It has been a year of challenges, lessons learned and accomplishments. Each day of my life is one page of the history book I’m writing. To fill those pages I have to live through the events.

The year began with me sleeping on the street. I stayed there through April. Then I moved into Christ House with the help of Street Sense Media, Miriam’s Kitchen, Pathways to Housing and the People For Fairness Coalition. I started living a better life at Christ House. They took care of me like I was a child. I had my own bed. The staff connected me to the system. I had regular appointments with a doctor.

More good news: I obtained my documentation from the Citizenship and Immigration Services. I applied for my ID and my driver’s license. I moved to a transitional house where I cook my food and take a shower whenever I want.

I’d like to recognize my own sacrifice in making these things happen. Sacrifice means my self-devotion to complying and cooperating with all the relevant laws and orders. Oh, before I forget: I finally re-opened my banking for my company to be able to take my new journey to the next level.

I’ve made business plans for myself and my company. I will discuss with some banks and lenders how to be successful in the nation’s capital.

I especially want to thank all my customers for frequently buying my papers and reading my stories to help me keep hoping for a better and brighter future. We can all move to hero from zero if, and only if, we have a plan for each day, each week, each month and each year.

In conclusion, I say life is nice and dice to dive. Better to face challenges that help us overcome some changes. Being positive in front and within all situations is key to opening the door to a brighter future. That’s part of the mindset necessary for a homeless person to become a homeowner.

Happy New Year to all!

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
