Martha’s Table: A Photo Essay

Manuela Mejia

Martha’s Table works to develop sustainable solutions to poverty in the District ofColumbia by emphasizing core social aspects such as education, clothing and food. The institution bases its job outcomes into three different stances: recreational programs for youth during the school year and summer, a clothing distribution center as well and nutrition care for the homeless at various sites throughout the city. With this, Martha’s Table is able to create a sense of stability with for anyone struggling with poverty.


The food program is characterized by working with different sections within the same agenda. “Food Prep” prepares 150-250 meals for distribution across the city. McKenna’s Wagon, on the other hand, works with volunteers that serve hot meals at three different locations. The latest evolution, Martha’s Mini Market, provides groceries for individuals who lack daily food and is now working on nutritional support with eight schools in D.C. and Maryland. This is similar to Saturday Seniors, which delivers fresh meals to seniors in nearby apartments.


Martha’s Table believes in the enrichment of children as a way to develop success and prosperity in their future. To achieve this, they have created after school programs for the youth that offer them a range of academic learning and continuous education, including tutoring and homework assistance. This program enables children to address specific needs and work on their academic issues.


Each volunteer at Martha’s Table helps the organization to produce 60,000 meals per month, educate 240 children, and earn $427,034 worth of revenue through Martha’s Outfitters — which in turn supports emergency clothing for up to 500 clients each month.

Issues |Education|Hunger|Youth

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