I’m Sorry

Street Sense staff

I’m sorry mom when I frustrated you and I’m sorry when I was a disappointment.
I’m sorry mom when I took your love for granted and when I threw away your advice.
I’m sorry mom for the times I yelled and I wasn’t very nice.

I’m sorry mother for the heartbreaks and the scary moments over the years.
I’m sorry mother if my lifestyle ever brought you to tears.
I’m sorry mother if I grew into the man you always feared.

Despite the disappointments you still loved me each day.
Despite my shortcomings you never threw me away.

I promise to become a better person.
I promise to make you proud.
I promise to live my life better now that you are living up in the clouds.

I’m sorry I didn’t realize this sooner so I could have made you smile in the past.
Despite giving you many struggles and sometimes making you sad
I promise never to take life for granted and to live each day like it’s my last.

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