If Martin Luther King was alive, would he recognize today’s Democratic Party? 

As we approach Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, I wonder what he would think of today’s activists if he were alive. 

He committed to non-violence after Bloody Sunday, when racist cops attacked protesters on the Edmund Pettis Bridge. Many questioned his strategy. They were breaking away from King, becoming more aggressive and militant. White activists formed Students For a Democratic Society, railing against the establishment. 

Nevertheless, Dr. King maintained that commitment, even while speaking out strongly against injustice. Even after Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, Dr. King didn’t feel fealty to him, but openly condemned the President for waging war in Vietnam. 

During the sixties, the Left’s motto was ”Question Authority.” Today’s Left wants to censor anyone who doesn’t fall in line. Dr. King would be shocked that the sort of people who marched with him on Bloody Sunday now want to re-segregate society with Black-only college dorms. To question Big Pharma means being anti-science. He would be shocked that no one resists. 

Dr. King was stoned and beaten for civil rights, but never turned to anger or violence. We won civil rights because he persuaded the moderates by shining a light on what actually was happening in the South. He would be appalled that the word “racist” seems to be the only word in the Left’s vocabulary. Today’s 20-year-olds, sixty years after the civil rights movement, complain about slavery and Jim Crow laws, never having experienced being a sharecropper or white-only bathrooms. 

I feel we are watching the twilight zone. Today’s Left wears masks, tears down statues, and smashes windows just like another vigilante group: the Ku Klux Klan. 

During the sixties, college campuses invited segregationists like George Wallace, George Lincoln Rockwell, and Malcolm X to many campuses. The ACLU marched with the Nazis to defend their right to free speec. Now, Leftists get worked up over “Let’s Go Brandon” and David Chappelle telling jokes about transgenderism. 

The Left has become everything people hated about the right. Today’s Left is a far cry from Lenny Bruce, who was jailed for saying the word F**k; the right-wing censors blew a gasket when Lucille Ball went on live TV pregnant. 

Martin Luther King dealt with Bull Connor and George Wallace, and today’s Leftists think Donald Trump is a Nazi. They’ve lost their minds, virtue signaling about real barbarism like homelessnes while ignoring the slavery going on today: Human trafficking on the border. 

It saddens me that my parent’s generation, which marched for civil rights and freedom of speech, has become the status quo. Dr. King wasn’t perfect, but he made the world a better place. I don’t think any Leftist can see the world as complex, not either-or. 

Dr. King isn’t the only one considered flawed by today’s Left. Franklin Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy wouldn’t make it through the primaries because they always had a secretary under the desk. 

As we come to King’s Birthday, I ask would he recognize today’s Democratic Party? 

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