Happy Fall, Y’all

Fall is the best time of the year. The Earth is cooling off from summer and dressing up preparing for winter. The trees add wonderful oranges, reds, and yellow. The grass tones down. Its green becomes less bright because it’s covered up with more dirt. The rain falls and the wind blows the heat away. 

You can walk and talk in comfort. You can also sit under the moonlight while gazing at the stars. Comfort and a feeling of settling in takes the place of being hot and sweaty. People are more at peace being around each other with the wind blowing about. In this time of COVID-19, being able to do that is very reassuring. 

Then there is the fabulous fall fashion.The sweaters and the wraps that drape around us. The blending of light and dark colors, such as brown and green with a touch of yellow. Just like the season we are in! 

The food becomes a little heavier than in summer: sturdier soups, heartier stews, thicker sandwiches, and baking bread. Another thing: remember to put away the sandals and bring out the boots! All these are reasons I like fall the best. Enjoy it! 

– Jackie Turner

With the summer heat gone, fall freshness is here. The leaves turn so beautiful and the sunshine is nice, as is the cool morning breeze. 

Many animals enjoy it, too. There are more crows out and about. More dogs enjoy their daily walks and cats tend to enjoy laying out in the sunshine. Squirrels come out more to find the nuts they have stored away. You may see different colors of squirrels: some black, some gray, some brown. They enjoy climbing trees and eating their nuts and watching people go past. Some even sit on the benches to join people for lunch and beg to be fed. 

People enjoy coming out walking, jogging, and exercising. They clean up the yards, too, by raking up tree leaves. 

After fall cleaning, some enjoy a fresh cup of coffee like pumpkin spiced or cinnamon flavors. More pumpkin flavors are sold in stores: pies, doughnuts and many pastries. Soups and many seasonal veggies and other Autumn food are popular at the farmers markets as they wind down for the year. 

No more hot days. It’s time to wear our comfortable sweaters and jackets and hats. Everyone enjoy Fall! Here are some of the songs I associate with the season and the ending of summer memories: 

  1. “Downtown” by Petulant Clark 
  2. “Dancing in the Streets” by Martha and the Vandellas 
  3. “Walking into Sunshine” by Central Line 
  4. “Hangin’ Downtown” by Cameo 
  5. “September” by Earth, Wind and Fire 

– Sybil Taylor

I had to take a photo of Eboni for the Fall season. We enjoy eating candy apples every year. What do you enjoy about this time of year? 

– Sasha Williams

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