Happy after a winter storm

My experience with winter as a child was fun. I celebrated Christmas every day and loved playing in the
snow. The only rough time I had with snow was slipping on ice. That hurt. But other times, I loved it and still do.
I like looking at the nature of winter, staring at ice crystals freezing on the rooftops and tree branches,
leftover leaves covered with white sparkles, the smell of salt in the air and watching other children playing in the snow. I like making real snow cones with sprinkles and flavor and building snowmen. When the parks are empty, it’s as if they’re waiting just for me and my snowmen.
I loved the silence and break from school. I remember how I would put on my gloves and boots and march and crunch the snow under my feet, then go home to drink hot cocoa. My dad would put me to bed with a Santa story while I dreamed of the next season.
Winter is cool. In this illustration, I’m dressed in a hat and scarf with a red sweater. I have my lips
painted blue like snow. Unlike other people, I like winter. When the chill comes, I know the feeling can be
uncomfortable. But I go to warm up just so I can play outside.
What makes me so happy after a winter storm is the fact that the next season will bring new life. It will
bring birds and babies. However, in the meantime, I can enjoy the winter fun, the Christmas shows and lights.
Bundling up and hot drinks. I am happy and smiling on days people are hiding and sleeping in. I wonder why they stay in.
I am happy after a winter storm.

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