America is in uncharted waters

It shocks me that those who describe themselves as socialist are entirely on board with Joe Biden, when Bush-wing Republicans surround him, who got America into never-ending wars and made it beholden to the wealthy corporations that Bernie Sanders rails against. Ironically, the social justice Marxists want to change the system, but align themselves with Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos — who are not peasants, and want to maintain the system. Do they believe one penny will be extracted from their wealth? 

The same swamp creatures believe they pulled the heist of the century by declaring Biden President-elect. It’s comical that those who claim to be social justice warriors believe Joe Biden is some sort of savior. They learned nothing in 2008 with Barack Obama; Democrats package him as Heaven and Earth. By 2016, they had their fill of Barack Obama. 

Some do believe Biden will be an honest broker for the left. But his 47 years of political experience show it will be a continuation of the top-down extraction of resources from the people to enrich the oligarchs that finance him. 

Hopefully, more experienced hands, not 20-something content providers, will follow the Constitution and prevent insanity from being injected into America. 

Biden’s tendency to lead from behind means abdicating our role as a great superpower and allowing our enemies like China and Iran to be dominant while remaining weak and defenseless. 

As the media declares Joe Biden President-elect, their arrogance will be their downfall. You can’t display something unless most people approve. When you try to force or instill something, people reject it. Then America is in uncharted waters. America is a country formed on the love of liberty, not social transformation. So as both forces try to use extremism rather than sit at the table and try to co-exist, nobody knows what the story ending will be. Anyone telling you they know the outcome, shame on them, because they lead lambs to the slaughterhouse.

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