Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless


Legal Services
~Click on the links below to access important information about your rights.  If you think your rights have been violated, contact the Legal Clinic at (202) 328-5500 to find out how to connect with an attorney.
~~Homeless Survival Guide – Resources for persons who experience homelessness in Washington, DC
~~Request for Reasonable Accommodation
~~Know Your Rights – Health Issues Flyer
~Do any of these situations sound familiar to you?
~~You’re staying in a shelter and trying to get your life together, but some of the rules, like having to be there early each day to reserve a bed, are interfering with your job.
~~You’re having trouble getting documents and now the Housing Authority is threatening to stop your rent assistance.
~~Even though you are not blocking a sidewalk, the police repeatedly ask you to move on or threaten to arrest you.
~~You went to the hospital or doctor because you needed medical attention and now your medical bills are far too high to pay.
~~You applied for Social Security disability benefits but your claim was denied.
~ “These are just a few of the scenarios the Legal Clinic deals with on a regular basis. Although we can’t help with every kind of legal problem (for example, we do not represent people in criminal cases or cases where you are just seeking an award of money), we’re happy to speak with anyone who is caught in, or hopes to avoid, the web of homelessness.”
~Contact us at (202) 328-5500 to find out about the next available intake session!
~Visit their List of Intake Sites to find one near you.

Other Resources
~Shelter Information
~Housing Information & Resources
~ERAP FEMA Listings
~Food Resources
~Request for Reasonable Accommodation
~Social Service Information Sheet


1200 U St NW Washington, DC 20009

Last  updated: 08.09.19

Region |Northwest|Shaw|Ward 1|Washington DC


email updates

We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
