Obituaries & Memorials
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Josh Maxey March 23, 2016
Vendor Memorial: Phillip Howard
It is never easy saying goodbye to someone that we care about. The Street Sense staff would like to offer…
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Josh Maxey January 5, 2016
Vendor Memorial: Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson passed away on Wednesday, December 16. He was scheduled to go into surgery on his back, and the…
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Marcus Green December 17, 2015
Vendor Memorial: Roberta Bear
Dear Bobby Bear, Farewell. I miss you so much. God has called you home. I can’t go back, only forward…
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Michael Jackson December 3, 2015
Vendor Memorial: Muriel Dixon
Muriel, you surely will be missed by an array of people. Especially your friend Michael Jackson, whom you helped through…
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Ellen Gilmer December 22, 2010
Marking Lives and Deaths of Homeless
Reporting on the annual memorial near Thomas Circle in memory of homeless individuals that have lost their lives.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Jesse Smith / Robert Warren December 8, 2010
Vendors Remember an Advocate
Street Sense volunteers and vendors offer their memories of the service and dedication of Mary Ann Luby.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Mary Otto December 8, 2010
Mourning a Passionate Advocate for the Homeless
A memorial for Mary Ann Luby, a passionate advocate for assisting those in need.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Adam Sirgany August 4, 2010
Celebrating 40 Years of Struggle
Reporting on the 20th anniversary of Mitch Snyder’s passing, as well as the 40th anniversary of the Community for Creative Non-Violence.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Reginald Black January 6, 2010
Homeless Vigil Honors the Fallen Homeless
An article about the December 2009 Homeless Memorial Day Vigil and a tribute to those lost.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Mary Otto June 10, 2009
In Memory: Renee Paige
A Memorial for Renee Paige, who resided near the CCNV shelter, and passed away on June 7, 2009.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Muriel Dixon January 7, 2009
Someone is Missing
A memorial poem written for former Street Sense Vendor Matesha Thompson.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Alan Kline March 15, 2004
In Memoriam: Remembering Kenny
Community member writes a memorial for his homeless neighbor.
Obituaries & MemorialsBy Staff Writer January 15, 2004
Obituary: Andre Blair
An obituary of Andre Blair, a homeless man who died from hypothermia.
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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.