You are important enough to be loved

For all the people who ever thought that there is a chance that something is wrong with them, or that somehow they don’t fit in the world — everybody feels that way one time or another.

If the only relationship you have is with God, that’s good, because God can lead you to a real relationship. Friends drift in and out, only a few last a lifetime. If you talk to people by phone, text, or an occasional visit, you do have a part in this world. Contact with people makes you important.

Don’t go thinking that you don’t matter. You do. You’re not depressed if you can think about improvement. When you want to look nice, take a bath, brush your teeth, put on a smile. That’s a positive. You’re not that bad; in fact, there is hope.

A life is a gift from God, made by a man and a woman. But it is up to them to create and bring a person to life. If a woman decides not to deliver a baby in this world, that’s her choice, because if she really doesn’t want to bring life she won’t, even if it means hurting herself. So for all people who don’t feel loved, some woman loved you enough to bring you into this world. Know you are important enough to be loved. 

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