Working my way out of writer’s block

I’ve paused from writing because I have writer’s block. While there are many things to discuss, I draw blanks when it comes down to putting my words on a piece of paper.

The hardware in my brain has short-circuited. As with any technician, I have been troubleshooting to see if it’s the motherboard or a software problem. With any technician, you have to troubleshoot, then diagnose the problem.

You pray this is a minor glitch, not something that needs a complete overhaul. However, I’m afraid the problem is more severe and may require a new operating system.

Writer’s block is like solving a puzzle. You know something is missing, but you don’t know where to go to solve it.

I’m not a quitter, but I suffer from perfectionism, paralyzing me from posting anything.

You don’t have to write alone

Admitting writer’s block is kicking my ass. It’s hard to ask for help. I’m a writing purist. I think of Ernest Hemingway or F. Scott Fitzgerald in a beautiful space by themselves, typing away working on their masterpieces. I can’t fathom trying new approaches to writing.

Every day, I cling to the old way of doing things; younger writers leave me in the dust. I’m an old-school writer in a war with change.

I’m doing what I always do instead of interacting, I’m an old school writer in a war with change. I’m doing what I always do instead of interacting, I’m reading books on writer’s block and finding nothing encouraging. I refuse to call someone or discuss my terrible fate.

Current events have become divisive, polarizing and boring

I used to be a news junky, and I would spend all day channel surfing cable news. I loved financial information because I followed the money better than inside baseball or politics. I don’t know when I stopped watching or believing cable news, though maybe it’s because the media ceased being objective and became blatant partisan hacks, not reporting the news but insulting the other side with the most vulgar and vile names.

I slowed down posting on social media because nobody is moving the needle, just bots and trolls. I have been blocking and muting like nobody’s business. I want off the island; I miss dialogue and debate with people I disagree with. Nobody is on the cusp of a civil war when you turn off the television. There is plenty of poverty and desperation that is not being addressed.

Keep it simple and go back to the basics

To get back to your writing self, sometimes you have to get back to the basics.

I’m currently listening to lectures and videos of other people who experienced writer’s block and how they got their passion for writing again.

I like TED Talks and quick 10 to 15-minute videos on how to overcome writer’s block. But, even with this, it’s still not unclogging my brain to get back to writing fluidly.

Find writer’s workshops

I started moving in the right direction by attending book clubs and meeting writers I wanted to emulate. I realized I don’t have to go through it alone and call someone up for advice or have a cup of coffee shooting ideas around.

Sometimes writer’s block may be more profound than not being able to write. You are in a slump, making things worse by not asking for help.

Find connection

The best way to talk about controversial topics is to point to experiences that made you take your stance in the first place. And you can examine why you support your position.

People that can’t respect where you are coming from are maybe people that you don’t want to be around. Sometimes it is better to attend to compassionate customers than people looking to run you over and claim their position is the moral position.

These are things I am working on, but I feel I’m getting out of the weeds of writer’s block 

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