We the People

Public Domain Pictures

We the People of this earth must begin to see each other as one nation, undivided with liberty and freedom.

We the People must come together and respect the laws placed upon us, the earth is to be respected and meant for all.

We the People must stop destroying each other for heritage differences, for we all come from the same seed planted long ago.

We the People must strive to exist centuries to come, all being equally treated and sharing our planet’s resources.

We the People must understand that each has a path to travel, assuring the freedom our lives to complete chosen goals.

We the People are not divided by nations, we must proclaim ourselves one nation.

We the People must stand side by side, not placing ourselves above each other.

We the People must understand life is sacred…

We the People

United We Stand

Divided We Fall


Jacqueline Bush wrote:

“I had the opportunity to meet the author of the poem, ‘WE.’ As a matter of fact a group of employees from my agency collected money and purchased a ticket for him to go to Sacremento, CA to join his wife Doretha. Thanks.”

The thanks goes to you Jacqueline and your co-workers.

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