Turkey Day Thanks


All Hallow’s Eve has been and past,

Lord Samhein’s visit done for another year.

Leaves on the trees turn from gold and brown

And the calendar says November.

The temperature drops lower and lower

As the warmth in our hearts rises higher and higher.

The farmer’s harvest hoarded for the coming feast,

As Tom Turkey gets a presidential pardon.

Pumpkins once sought as an artistic medium

Now canned and purchased for pie filling.

For the first time all year cans of cranberry sauce

Aren’t buried under a year’s worth of dust.

Bags of potatoes for baking and mashing

Macaroni waiting for cheese

Gravy and stuffing become power accessories

For the main event turkey on the table.

As family and loved ones gather at the table

To share a meal in gratitude

Of another year of living and loving

And the blessings that we all bring each other.

So as you enjoy the bounty of God’s good earth,

Before you watch the ‘Skins crush the Cowboys,

Remember those people with less to be thankful for,

And pray things are better next year.

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