The gun

When the gun came to the New World, it almost killed off the race of people that were here first. The gun enslaved many people in the New World. The gun was at the Boston Tea Party. The gun played a very important part in the American Revolutionary War; it also helped write the constitution of the United States of America. In fact, the gun killed one of my ancestors, the very first Black man to die in that war. His name is Crispus Attucks, and he died in 1776 in the Boston Commons in Massachusetts.

The gun moved west in the New World; it almost killed off all of the buffalo. Standing in the gun’s way was the Native American. This time, the gun would be tested.

The gun killed many Native Americans before taking over the new world. The gun then

went to many more wars.

The gun is in the present, in the year 2022. It goes to schools and malls. It rides in cars. It even has its own show, a gun show.

The American gun does not discriminate. It takes the lives of the young and the old at any given time. The gun has affected many families across the country. The gun has taken some of the greatest leaders of our nation.

The gun has the nation divided on who can have one and who can’t. The gun traveled to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2022. The gun was coming for democracy, ready to take it down.

The gun is a threat to all of us. The gun has taken control of our Congress, it has taken control of our air waves.

It’s only a matter of time before the gun travels to the moon. Maybe the next time we land on it?

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