The Good Old Days on Memorial Day

Photo of several meats cooking on a grill

Photo courtesy of user adrian8_8 / flickr

This edition’s prompt: write about summer arriving, bringing hot weather with its pleasures for all of us and its risks for homeless people. Or how about Memorial Day? Are you a veteran, or is someone you know? Do you have any reflections on military service, veterans, or larger issues of war and peace? 


When I was living in Pittsburgh one year, I remember this. It was Memorial Day. My uncle Willie came to visit us. In the back yard we had a big cookout grill. Uncle Willie had gotten up early that Saturday morning. My mother put the barbeque ribs in the oven to do a little of the cooking. The rest of the cooking would be done on the grill. Uncle Willie put chicken hamburger on the grill and he and I took turns turning the meat over until it was done. After the food was done, we all sat down in the dining room and ate the best spring food of the year. That was the good old days.  

Patty Smith is a longtime vendor. Contact: [email protected] 

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