Thankful for What…


It’s hard to be thankful when you have nothing

It’s hard to keep smiling when life seems to fight against you

I was born a burden

My dependency seems predestined


When I stand, I am pushed down

When I scream, I am restrained

When I fight, I am cuffed


My smiles are only met with daggers

My laughter is spit on in the wind


He said we play the hand that life deals us

But I never asked to play this game

I’m no good at it and I want out

Who is this God that thinks this is fun

Let’s switch places and then play at strife


Dying seems like the easiest road to take

I have tried that before and I even failed at that

I seek my relief in anything that will take the pain away

I ride that high of hopeless bliss until my pain turns into passion


Love is an emotion, one I’m not sure I’ve met

I’ve imagined what she looks like

If I’ve ever felt her touch I didn’t know what it was

I probably shied away from her and pissed her off


Yes, I am here, the dirt to your success

The pain to your joy

The high to your sober

The cold to your warm

The starvation to your gluttony


If there is a joy, a happiness or a peace


It’s surely not in me.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
