Thank you

I would like to take the time to thank the community for helping homeless citizens. We do a lot of complaining about the things that we don’t have and don’t ever take the time out to thank you all for looking out for us. Even when we’re out there doing things that we have no business doing, you still took the time out to see about our needs and wants.

Thank you to the organizations and churches that came, and still come out to donate and distribute home-cooked meals. Thank you for the hygiene equipment and all the everyday, necessary essential needs. If it had not been for the Lord using you guys to help when we needed it, there’s no telling what would go on.

The toll of theft, robbery, murder and all sorts of crimes would be on the rise if it were not for you all coming out and looking out for our needs. Sometimes, we can get reckless. But we are trying to get it right. No one is perfect and no one might ever be. I can guarantee that we are getting better at being more responsible and honest citizens with the rest of the community.

Thank you to the families that brought you and your kids to do the good deeds that God put us on this Earth to do. Forgive the mishaps we may have performed in front of the innocent. I can’t speak for all of us because some might not agree or just don’t care, but I’m only speaking for us that do.

Thank you for praying for us and helping us to get things like IDs or the resources to get them like birth certificates and Social Security cards.

Thank you to the case managers and the outreach staff. You guys made it possible for us to believe because being homeless ain’t nowhere near easy. Some people have given up and thought life wasn’t worth living anymore because of all of the selfish and untrustworthy people.

We thank God that he put people like you on this Earth to keep us at ease and at peace. Thank you to Ms. Mayor Muriel Bowser and a special thanks to Ms. Anna Noakes, Ward 2 liaison for the Mayor’s Office of Community Relations and Services (MOCRS).

Ms. Noakes, if you are reading this, thank you for answering my emails and seeing that our needs were met. Thank you for putting up with the many complaints I’ve sent and taken the time to see how you can better the situation.

We still have a long journey ahead of us and we still need you all, because without you good citizens of America this would not be possible, and again we thank you. God bless!

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
