When I was a kid in D.C. I had a dream of owning precious metals, of being the first rich kin in D.C., of succeeding in my dreams of owning land and creating my own community on my land. Like in a Western, or like the pilgrims, I’d have my land, my own home, my family, and raise a future on it.
But after I graduated from high school and tried to live a normal life for myself, I realized over the years that my life was a struggle. It felt like someone was trying to control my way of life. So I did some research on why some people were attacking me and why my life was a struggle for all those years.
I found that my economic problems were caused in part by a corrupt government system and narcissistic wealthy elites. How can some people be so wealthy even while analysts agree that many people in the country are in a financial crisis? I believe we are headed towards a society controlled by these elites.
The only way to deal with this ”beast system” that we are living under is to fight and survive to the best of my ability.
So what I’m doing to fight and survive this economic beast system is creating my own financial system which I call “spiritual economics.”
Spiritual economics consist of:
- Having spiritual connection with God so that he can protect my soul
- Thinking for myself and create a positive output to the world
- Being my own central bank
- Being independent
It is my opinion that we as a human race should put our differences aside and come together with peace and love in our hearts and create a positive solution to this problem so that we can live in peace with ourselves and our children on this earth.
Joseph Walker is an artist and vendor with Street Sense.