Selling Street Sense

Street Sense vendor handing out newspapers

Matailong Du

To sell Street Sense, you must have the heart of a lion, the skin of a hippopotamus, the agility of a greyhound, the wisdom of an elephant, the industry of an ant, and as many lives as a cat. To stand in the street and shout, “Street Sense, Street Sense!” requires an enormous combination of talents. None of us have all these, and sometimes when it is raining or snowing we wonder if we have any at all. There is one element without which we might as well stay home, and that is the belief in the quality reporting and writing in Street Sense. Unless we believe this and continually, consciously reawaken that belief, our skills at selling will be revealed as fool’s gold rather than authentic treasures.

There is nothing that will replace the hours of study and preparation that go into selling Street Sense. The paper itself is a helpful, practical, and a worthy resource. Reading it will help to focus more quickly and directly on some of its unique selling points. Both news briefs and back page resources are a useful starting point when preparing to sell new issues. Through selling Street Sense, you’ll have the opportunity to look over the shoulders at some of the other Street Sense vendors who have sometimes struggled with sales. These vendors’  insights serve as seeds that can bloom in your own imagination. May we all have great selling days in the months ahead.

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