Returning to Street Sense

bird flying in the sky


By and about the poor and the homeless. In the name of God, merciful and gracious, it’s good to see some of the customers who used to purchase papers from me.

I have been in the hospital for a year or more because I had to have two operations. My health has really changed for the better. For one thing, I have stopped drinking and drugging and I have a close relationship with God.

As an aside: I wonder how this new president will affect the lives of the poor and homeless. My opinion is to get closer to God. The word of God in the book of Revelations says there will come a day when God will be our only relief. This is because the Deceiver is coming. People will be crying and gnashing their teeth.

Thank you, Street Sense for the opportunity to put my ideas on paper.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
