Rapid Learning

Sean MacEntee/Flickr

There are many strategies for rapid learning. Perhaps you know these two.

Week One: Question. Do not answer, just notice by comparing and contrasting on a daily basis these two book titles: The Magic of Thinking Big and Small is Beautiful.

Second week: Continue noticing this for another week. Compare and contrast by noticing a nickel and a dime.

Third week: Anger by Thich Nhat Hanh. Notice the table of contents. Find a chapter heading that appeals. Read the chapter over and over once a day. Write it down. Practice calligraphy, including date and time. After seven days of reading and writing (practice writing very slowly) gather all seven written chapters and read a line, then blacken it with a permanent marker, one chapter a day. This should equal fourteen days.

It will also assist being able to erase thoughts from your mind. Don’t panic if you think people are trying to manipulate you and your thoughts. Beware your ego. In astrology, your sun sign = heart and ego.


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