Peace for the holidays


A cup of coffee can take you into a blissful state of ideas and down the road to meaningful conversations with someone to form a lasting friendship. It is a way to “break the ice” with a friend or mend fences with family members, or sort out and discard insignificant differences during this holiday season and start anew for the coming year.

There are numerous coffee shops in this city in which to have moments of solidarity and private conversations and also enjoy pumpkin lattes and caramel macchiatos to warm your body and your hands from the cold.

Coffee has been a commodity for centuries, used to entertain guests and as a stimulant that boosts your body’s energy level.

It can be a real challenge to choose from the many shops that this city offers. “It’s all in the bean,” is what most connoisseurs say about coffee. I find the smaller coffee shops have the congeniality and ambiance for private meetings, business meetings and the like. But because they serve coffees that are from so many different regions, Starbucks is usually my favorite place to go for coffee.

Make peace for the holidays and throughout the years with a friend and enjoy a good cup of coffee.

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