Paying us what we’re worth!

Graphic by Bruna Costa

In a city this expensive, every extra dollar makes a positive difference to people like me with only one source of income. We Street Sense vendors are talented writers committed to improving our lives. When you buy our papers, you hear about homelessness straight from the horses’ mouths.

The money I earn from Street Sense helps me because, as I wrote earlier, paper sales are my only income. Our new price will improve my mental and emotional health. The extra dollars I will earn will help even more because I will have more cash to buy more food so I can prevent more tent residents from eating out of the trash cans. (Yes, some of us do that because sometimes we don’t have a choice.) The additional money from our new price will help stop that.

information about New Signature, a Washington DC tech solutions and consulting firm


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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
