Our Planet’s Future

Image of planet earth from space.

Beth Scupham/ Flickr

Perpetual motion, the eternal engine. It could provide energy at such a low cost, that it would be free.

For a long time this idea was considered impossible to achieve. Yet many engineers such as myself have worked towards it anyway. People from around the world: France, Italy, even Croatia, are working to make this a reality. Many have also been criticized for chasing the impossible.

However, rudimentary versions of this technology are already in use by companies such as Tata and Fiat, but my version is simpler and more efficient. I sent my variant to patent offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Finland. Norway has been the most responsive so far.

At present I need help to make this a reality. My immediate need is the means to make an international call to the Norwegian patent office, and an interpreter to help me speak with them. I believe the patent office will have someone that can interpret on their end if I am able to make the call.

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