Our Daily Bread

An image of a wax seal with the words "TOP SECRET" spelled out across the wax.

Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay

The First Amendment in the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights mentions freedom of speech. This aspect of the Constitution can go contrary to the Industrial Espionage Act passed in 1996 after the capture and conviction of a Canadian spy selling American secrets to China in the state of California. An explanation of the powerful contradictions to the law can be found in the case of the missing spies, Burgess and Maclean. It brought to light Section One of the Official Secrets Act. This is similar to the Industrial Espionage Act in United States. Indeed, before one handles top secret documents of the government. One needs to sign this clause in case they decide to defect and sell the secrets to foreign countries. This makes the renegade’s capture enforceable. International press under the First Amendment made this important to control the actions of spies. It was useless, therefore setting up the release of Burgess and Maclean in Russia. With too much headline news on the case. It was difficult to capture spies. Many foreign countries have laws that are similar to the United States’ First Amendment, where freedom of speech could compromise national security. My daily bread comes from the Street Sense Writer’s Group. The last thing on my mind is about hiding the truth to my readers, but sometimes this truth can compromise the survival of another homeless person trying to make it on the streets. Especially, when you begin talking about drug addictions and relationships. The First Amendment works for Street Sense, where rules and regulations apply to a level where there is no fear of the renegade who uses truth as a weapon. 

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