Our Condolences


Our condolences from “Street Sense”, to the family and friends of the victims at the Navy Yard.
Losing a loved one is the hardest of all. No sadness is greater, no grief is more real. Yet each heart that consoles and surrounds you with love is touched by the depth of the sorrow you feel… Although there is so little that anyone can say, may these heartfelt thoughts of sympathy help comfort you today. God Bless you all.
I find meaning in the words of an old song, Love Me Now:

“If you’re ever going to love me, love me now, while I can know. All the sweet and tender feelings
which form real affection flow. Love me now, while I am living; do not wait till I am gone. And then chisel it in marble … warm love words on ice cold stone. If you’ve dear, sweet thoughts about me, why not whisper them to me? Don’t you know it would make me happy and as glad as glad could be? If you wait till I am sleeping never to wake again, there’ll be walls of earth between us and I couldn’t hear you through. So, dear, if you love me any, if it’s but a little bit, Let me know it now while living; I can own and treasure it.” RIP, Navy Yard victims.

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