Memorializing War No More

Photo of picnic tables in a a park

Photo courtesy of user yooperann / flickr

This edition’s prompt: write about summer arriving, bringing hot weather with its pleasures for all of us and its risks for homeless people. Or how about Memorial Day? Are you a veteran, or is someone you know? Do you have any reflections on military service, veterans, or larger issues of war and peace? 


Reminiscing about days gone by, when picnic tables blossomed with a plethora of soul-filled delights. Swimming pools were filled with schoolmates and surrounding neighborhood school spirits’ rivals. Seniors, middle-aged, adolescents and youths surrounding grills, blankets, wooden tables, folding chairs. Card games, checkers, scrabble and finger-painting areas. Music setting the perfect soundtrack, to the premier movie called life. These are the memories of life that nourish the love of life that pumps blood through my body with every heartbeat. When I think of Memorial Day I think of everlasting sunshine smiles and fun-filled events that say thank you, Lord for another day with family friends neighbors and fellow citizens of Earth. I memorialize peace and love with war no more. Oh how I love Memorial Dayz!!!!  

Sean is new to the writer’s group. Contact: [email protected] 

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