Memorial Day

Photo of a bunch of daisy flowers

Photo courtesy of Renee Navarro / flickr

This edition’s prompt: write about summer arriving, bringing hot weather with its pleasures for all of us and its risks for homeless people. Or how about Memorial Day? Are you a veteran, or is someone you know? Do you have any reflections on military service, veterans, or larger issues of war and peace? 


All the pomp and circumstance that comes along with Memorial Day is not the same for me. There is no pomp, just circumstance. It unfortunately is a sad reminder of the loss of my mother. She was not in the military, but she also deserves wreaths and flowers. My mother served in different wars: first racism, second segregation, third motherhood, and fourth cancer, the war that she lost. And for that she may not only deserve flowers, but medals too. So I’ll take this time to say mother, wherever you are, Happy Memorial Day.  

Muriel Dixon is a longtime vendor. Contact: [email protected] 

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