1. Street Sense could make money by publishing in diverse languages to gain the trust of people who would like to know more about the city in their native language. Why not print articles in Arabic, Chinese or Spanish? You can put a page or a section for these people to learn about the city. Customers have been asking me about this.
2. Let people know that you are unlike other nonprofit organizations. Let them know that homeless or low-income people are worth it. We’re just as respectable as your office workers.
3. We could publish more success stories about people from Street Sense moving up and doing good in their lives.
4. Put some funny comic strips and jokes into the paper to help relieve office stress. This could help motivate more customers to buy the paper.
5. Talk more about fun events that go on in the District. Publish more about where people can go and have fun like poetry clubs, sports games and monster jams.
6. Promote more of us working homeless. Show customers we are not soliciting like other homeless out there sitting and doing nothing for money.
7. Have booths like at fundraisers to let others know about who we are and what we’re about.
8. Have a walk event to get people to care and give to our paper and homeless business people.
9. More theatrical plays. We should put this work in the paper and sell coupons for admission.
10. We should promote the teachers that help us like Maria, Willie, Thomas and Will. They do a great job at helping us improve.
Once we have the money, we should do these three things:
1. We should put more art and color in the paper to attract people to make donations.
2. Give more work for vendors to show that we are really helping others to get ahead in this world.
3. We could add pages to the paper to get more stories and puzzles out, which keep peoples’ interest.