Limitless (Being Me)

A limitless sky.

The sky. Photo courtesy of Ales Kladnik/Flickr

Being me is one of the hardest things for me to be.  

I keep saying to me, “How can this be, when it is so easy, to be free from me?”  

Or is there more to me, than just me?  

Some say, I’m a Gemini. I say, “Why?”  

For one, two is the sign of the Gemini. Plus me makes three.  

Off the bat, that eliminates me, because sometimes, I’m more than three.  

Why do we judge as to who we should be?  

Who holds the future? Definitely not me.  

I’m not mad, nor do I happen to be gay.  

But why should anyone have to explain every little thing they display, or even say?  

Yes, there’s more to me than just three (personalities).   

I just don’t know them, but I know it’s me.  

I’ve never just hurt people, or anything of that matter.   

But self-defense and self-expense have been misjudged,  

by many without common sense.  

Everyone seems to say they hate common sense,  

But cannot wear the shoes of others without taking offense.  

Yes, it’s true, I’m being me. But is it?   

Some say there are three (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit)  

But me, I say only He can give me anything and everything that comes to be.  

So this number three ain’t enough for me.  

I’m truly unable to accept just three. Unless we are explaining Him, and not me.  

Being me is kind of hard without a tree.  

Just me and my Momma ain’t enough roots to make me.  

Three, in this case, includes my father, who fell for my mother and got me.  

I’ve never seen him in person and didn’t know of him until 43.  

I’ve been a Battle all my life until this came to me.  

Now, I’m a Cummings, but what should I be.  

I don’t have any support to prove that is truly he.  

I’m not sure if he even wants it to be.  

We talked and they talk, but it still hasn’t helped me.  

Now I’m not even sure if they want me to be a Cummings.  

I’m sure, I just want to be free to be me.  

A Cummings which is more than just three, a family.  

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